Exploring Groundwater Mapping for Sustainable Development in Angola
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Exploring Groundwater Mapping for Sustainable Development in Angola

Exploring Groundwater Mapping for Sustainable Development in Angola

Our colleagues, Daniela Benedicto van Dalen and Harmen van den Berg, embarked on a mission to validate the second project phase of the Groundwater Mapping UNICEF project.

Their journey took them to the project area, where they met stakeholders and identified potential sites for drilling deep boreholes.

Kicking off with formalities in Luanda and Ondjiva, our team engaged with representatives of the local government. During the initial field days, they visited existing boreholes drilled for exploration purposes, delving into hydrogeology insights and anticipating project implementation challenges.

Daniela and Harmen scoured the area to identify villages with significant population concentrations. This crucial step aligns with the criteria for selecting the optimal drilling sites. Together, we strive to bring sustainable water solutions to communities and foster positive change.

Stay tuned for more updates on our journey toward a water-secure Angola!

#SustainableDevelopment #GroundwaterMapping #WaterSecurity #CommunityDevelopment

Exploring Groundwater Mapping for Sustainable Development in Angola -  Acacia Water
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