Exploring Groundwater Potential for WASH
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Exploring Groundwater Potential for WASH

Exploring Groundwater Potential for WASH

Project #RWASH, a four-year project to increase access to water and sanitation for refugees, IDPs and host communities in 4 countries. In May, our colleagues @Theo Kleinendorst and @Laurens de Vries visited Wad Sharifey refugee camp in Kassala, Sudan. Together with @RICOS Engineering and @HydroRift, they performed geophysical surveys and well inventory.

Project #RWASH, a four-year project to increase access to water and sanitation for refugees, IDPs and host communities in 4 countries. In May, our colleagues @Theo Kleinendorst and @Laurens de Vries visited Wad Sharifey refugee camp in Kassala, Sudan. Together with @RICOS Engineering and @HydroRift, they performed geophysical surveys and well inventory.

The aquifer along the Gash river is the main source of groundwater. The groundwater level has been declining due to its use for irrigation in the region. It is important to look at options to manage the currently overused, but productive and good quality Gash aquifer in a more sustainable manner.

Funded by @KfW, lead partner @CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH, @Acacia Water and @MS Consultancy are working together with @RICOS engineering for @UNICEF East Africa head office in 4 countries in East Africa on #sustainable, #conflict-sensitive, #climate resilient, and integrated water supply and sanitation services.

#sudan #water #sanitation #WASH

Exploring Groundwater Potential for WASH -  Acacia Water
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