

Recharge, Retention and Reuse Jordan -  Acacia Water

Recharge, Retention and Reuse Jordan

In a water scarce country as Jordan, climate change and overexploitation of groundwater are big challenges. When the water-related issues are this big and diverse, it is not easy to find a long-term solution for each issue. Flash floods and at the same time droughts are just a few examples of these diverse threats.

Education development Jordan -  Acacia Water

Education development Jordan

Acacia Water aims to support and strengthen the capacity of TVETs in the horticulture sector in Jordan.

Potential for Small-Scale Water Storage in the Western Sahel -  Acacia Water

Potential for Small-Scale Water Storage in the Western Sahel

Acacia Water, together with Aidenvironment (RAIN), MetaMeta, IHE Delft & several others won a World Bank contract for a study on operationalizing small-scale water storage initiatives with the aim of providing water security in Western Sahel.

Improving Natural Resources Management in Sudan -  Acacia Water

Improving Natural Resources Management in Sudan

The Taadoud programme works toward improving Natural Resources Management in Darfur. Acacia Water is supporting in assessing the hydrological conditions and identifying the landscape opportunities for sustainable WASH water provision through 3R-interventions (Retain, Recharge and Reuse of water).

Kenya Arid Lands Disaster Risk Reduction -  Acacia Water

Kenya Arid Lands Disaster Risk Reduction

In the dry areas of Northern Kenya, precipitation is scarce and nomadic communities are vulnerable in years of drought.

Design, capacity building and policy for MAR in Bangladesh -  Acacia Water

Design, capacity building and policy for MAR in Bangladesh

The globally recognized "Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)" technique, in which water is stored underground is gaining popularity in Bangladesh.